Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Share what you see.

God does not come to us because we are worthy...He comes to us because He is.  When Jesus appeared to Paul, he was successful and passionate about his own plans (destroying all who believed in Jesus Christ).  Responding to that appearance required Paul to give up everything he had lived for till that day.  In the passage today, Paul testified before Agrippa and Festus about that encounter.  It has some interesting aspects to consider.

Others were with him on the road to Damascus; they saw and heard 'something' but Paul clearly heard in his own language (Hebrew) and saw glory He knew to be God...and not the God he served.  'Who are you?' Paul asked.  Jesus replied, "I am the one you are persecuting."  Paul did not defend himself or debate the matter.  In fact, the focus remains on Jesus Christ as Paul relays what he saw and heard.  Jesus said I showed up to let you know my plans for you.  Jesus said you will tell people what I show you now and what I will show you in the future.  Paul's summary:  I was obedient! 
There we have it.  God is not confined to our schedule or our plans.  When He reveals Himself, He has a purpose.  He speaks in a way we will understand and reveals Himself clearly.  Our job is to make that 180 degree turn and go his way without debate.    May we tell people what He shows us with the same obedience as Paul. 

And for a little motivation, consider some of the results of Paul's obedience.  We surely benefit from the writings of Paul today, but as he 'walked' through life with eyes fixed on Jesus (so he could tell what he saw!), Paul had some wild successes.  In a shipwreck (still a success), lives were saved, diseases healed, miracles witnessed and God glorified.  On his journey to prison (and the will of God), fellowship was enjoyed and the purposes of God accomplished.  The opinions of people were varied and unreliable; we must not be swayed by those either.  Some said he was crazy, some said he was sinful and worthy of death, others said 'I am almost persuaded' and some saw nothing.  It will be that way in our lives too.  But in the end, the will of God will prevail.  And His will is good.  Look for Him today!

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