Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Remember, Listen and See

The resurrection passages were my food this morning!  I asked God to show fresh truths as I read those well-known passages.  Here’s some of the nuggets He provided.  Christianity is a flesh and blood reality with a powerful spiritual component!  We do not have a faith is exclusively other-worldly.  Aren’t you glad that the body of Jesus vacated that tomb?  If the resurrection were only a spiritual thing, it would still be amazing.  But it would have left us in this world to struggle through realities that hurt!  That is not what Jesus has done. 

This world blinds us to His presence.  It did the disciples too.  Several times, Christ was present and they missed Him though their hearts longed for Him.  We do that all the time…at least I do.  Jesus broke through their fixation on the feelings and happenings of their days with the Word and with food.  For me who loves reading and eating, that is a pretty great approach!   

When the angel spoke to Mary Magdalene, he told her to go her way and tell the others that Jesus would meet them in Galilee.  Somehow she missed that and told the disciples “they” took his body and I don’t know where He is.  Her grief kept her where she last saw Jesus—and He met her there.  Again and again after the resurrection Jesus met the disciples where they were at.  He does and will do the same for us.  He understands that we get lost in this world; He is with us, waiting for us to look, listen and eat with Him. 

And a final note that makes my heart rejoice and my face smile!  Galilee.  It was a place symbolized by rebellion and disregard for the Law.  Jesus said he would meet the disciples there.  Phew, am I ever glad of that because it is often the place I find myself.  I do not mean to be rebellious or insensitive to the Spirit of life that is now my Law; yet I am. What a joy He is willing me meet me there!    Jesus is as patient with me as He was with them. 

 I’m pretty sure tomorrow will be the passages that give us the marching orders from Galilee.  We are not stuck in that land because He has redeemed us.  Eat with Jesus today and let His presence warm your heart like it did those on the road to Emmaus!

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