Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Promises Fulfilled!

We need to know what is to be...we need to interpret what we see in light of what God says.  That's my take-away from reading of Jesus' instruction to His disciples after His resurrection.  The purpose of God from before creation was a people to love...and love is a circle that gives and receives.  His plan demanded sacrifice and delivered the Spirit.  Love has both aspects, doesn't it?  One accord is the phrase that describes the impact of the Resurrection on the disciples.  That unity is so needed in our world, but it can only come with the Spirit.

Jesus re-taught the disciples all that had been promised and fulfilled so they could move they could 'go into all the world.'  I have to be continually reminded of what God has done so that I can see what is to come...and have the power to do it.  The Spirit is the promise we must rely on.  His Spirit changes fear to faith and cowardice to courage.  It is His Spirit that must pour out of us. 

We are to 'go' our way--through out lives with the blessings and challenges He chooses--AND baptize in His fullness.  While I understand this is physical baptism, I see it as a daily challenge.  Baptize means 'immerse.'  We are to immerse--overflow--the character of God onto all we meet.  Too often, I hinder the Spirit and pour out me.  What a waste!  We are to give to others a shower of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Let's go immerse people today.


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