I saw some cool stuff today--I'm just not sure I can convey it justly! May the Spirit work in the words I place and in your spirit as you read.
The idea of greatness in serving is foundational in Christianity. There is a common perversion, though, we must guard against. Jesus said to the disciples, 'Your benefactors exercise authority over people; you are not to do that." We can serve and do good for the power it places in our hands, for the illusion of greatness and personal value. Doing matters but it must be doing that reveals the Father.
Our worth, everyone's worth, is found in being treasures of the King. When we sit in the Kingdom with Jesus, at His table, we will not be served because we are greater but because we are His. Our joy will not be because we are being served but because we are loved by Him. In my mind, I gazed on a 'head table' at a wedding. The table guests are there because of their relationship with the hosts. The blessing is in the relationship. Our serving must be in the same.
Before Jesus served in the most menial capacity...foot washing...is a powerful verse:
Woven into this is a verse that reveals how error creeps in. Satan 'put into Judas' heart' the thought of betrayal. We must guard our hearts against anything that will derail us from the purposes of God. Obedience to the will of the Father sustained Jesus and will sustain us. Obedience reveals the Father! What greater joy in life than to be used as a revelation of the One who is all. Let's go serve today only because of who He is and who we are in Him.
The idea of greatness in serving is foundational in Christianity. There is a common perversion, though, we must guard against. Jesus said to the disciples, 'Your benefactors exercise authority over people; you are not to do that." We can serve and do good for the power it places in our hands, for the illusion of greatness and personal value. Doing matters but it must be doing that reveals the Father.
Our worth, everyone's worth, is found in being treasures of the King. When we sit in the Kingdom with Jesus, at His table, we will not be served because we are greater but because we are His. Our joy will not be because we are being served but because we are loved by Him. In my mind, I gazed on a 'head table' at a wedding. The table guests are there because of their relationship with the hosts. The blessing is in the relationship. Our serving must be in the same.
Before Jesus served in the most menial capacity...foot washing...is a powerful verse:
He knew to the core of His being His origin, inheritance and destiny. When we grasp the generous, lavish promises of God and the truth of our place in His heart and Kingdom, we, too, serve rightly. That Spirit of Truth in our living is what Jesus promised; it is comfort and power.Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands and that he was come from God and went to God
Woven into this is a verse that reveals how error creeps in. Satan 'put into Judas' heart' the thought of betrayal. We must guard our hearts against anything that will derail us from the purposes of God. Obedience to the will of the Father sustained Jesus and will sustain us. Obedience reveals the Father! What greater joy in life than to be used as a revelation of the One who is all. Let's go serve today only because of who He is and who we are in Him.
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