Sunday, July 28, 2013


All week long there has been a glimmer of a truth peeking into my heart.  Today God brought it into clearer view with Isaiah and Oswald Chambers!  As the GED graduation nears, my heart has been burdened with concern that the students understand this is just a step.  I have 'worried' that the destination would be perceived as an end--and not a step.  Today a bigger, brighter, more beautiful Truth burst forward.  While I had seen goals as a step toward another destination, God showed me He seems the goals as just a tool along the way.  His purposes are woven into the journey itself...and His purposes are grander than ours! 

Looking at our 'goals' as the definition of success and failure can discourage us. Things don't always turn out the way we plan.  Scripture is full of such examples, but God's purposes are not in jeopardy.   Isaiah says he was called from the womb to return Israel to God.  The nation stubbornly continued on their way.  Then God pops in with 'Judah is part of your mission as well...and not only that, the Gentiles need your light.'  We are to set goals that are good and in line with the purposes of God--and then leave the results in the hands of God.  The only way to do that is continually pressing in to see His face, feel His love and being filled with confidence in His plans!  Struggles teach perseverance, perseverance is entwined with character and hope--certainty of God--springs forth.  That is the only worthwhile success.

God is busy with things we can not even imagine.  Success is trusting Him in the midst of life; the goal is enjoying His presence. Our goals are far too small.  Let's take and apply the words of William Carey, "Expect great things--attempt great things. "

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