Sunday, July 7, 2013

Love lasts. Grief is evidence of having loved.

For many reasons--and no particular reason--my morning thoughts began with losses are part of life.  While the thought was tinged with sadness, it wasn't a morose, depressing thought.  It was deep awareness that this world is transient and losses are evidence of truly living.  Engaging in life means there will be heartaches.  The greatest blessings in life inherently hold challenge and vulnerability.  My close relationships are the richest gifts of my life--and the place where I am most vulnerable to loss.  That which I love is what gives me the potential to grow.  And that is okay because:

And now faith, hope, and love, these three things remain; but the greatest of these is love. 
1 Corinthians 13:13
True love transcends time and distance, even death.  We have to risk to gain that which cannot be lost.  The grief is just awareness that we have truly loved.
One passage that came to mind was of Lot.  Having escaped with his life (and the lives of those willing to heed his call), he endured great loss (including his wife who could not bear to move forward).  Even with life received, he failed to trust in God and sought an easier escape route.  God granted it but in the end, Lot ended up where God had first directed.  His faithlessness, though, was inherited by his girls and ultimately, his 'legacy' afflicted God's chosen people for centuries to come. 
So, what's my take away?  Accepting our losses with faith -- and thankfulness even for having received true deep life  -- gives birth to life.    Fear, resentment and anger--responses to loss without faith-- give birth to more troubles.  So, my friends, love with faith in Him that plants seeds of hope.  Remember the verse that reminds us what remains: 
For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.  


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