Monday, June 17, 2013

Bigger than mistakes...

The abounding love and grace of God in the face of willful rebellion--and careless inattentiveness--has me captivated right now. 

Would you believe Jehosophat aligned with Israel again--same words, my people are as yours?  Once again he insisted that they seek a prophet of God.  Elisha was the man this time--and you know what, Jehosophat (even in his alignment with idolaters) was the reason Elisha listened.  THEN he told the armies to dig trenches in the dry, barren land because God was going to fill them with water.

There's so much God is speaking to me about just now but here's the tidbit I want to leave you with:  into the thirsty land around us, we are to make trenches.  Dig into the world--trust that He is bigger than your mistakes--and watch Him fill lives with His living water.  It's a God thing.

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