Saturday, June 25, 2011

Deuteronomy: Chapter 15

Good Morning!  I hope you have had a blessed week; being 'disconnected' was a nice little escape but life is about fellowship and encouraging others--that we ourselves will be encouraged.  So, thank you for allowing me to visit you.  We're picking up where we left off:  Deuteronomy Chapter 15.

We are called to have a generous heart--and if our hearts were submitted and obedient, there would be no poor among us.  To be brutally honest, my heart is not as generous as the heart God describes in these chapters.  I know I would be calculating the years until the release of debts.  The lavish love of God should inspire us to lavish love on others.  It is His desire and He promises to care for our needs.  So, faith in Him is foundational as well.  My personal prayer is for greater confidence in Him that will allow me to be less concerned with self and abundantly generous with all He has given me!  By the way, these commands have never been implemented by any nation.  Would you not love to see a nation that used this as their social system?  All of our hearts are sinful and it will not happen until the Lord Jesus reigns over all...that day is coming!

The closing verses are a picture of the love of Christ.  He did not have to serve humanity but Philippians tells us "He made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant.."  He had no penalty of His own, no debt to repay--but He paid for us.  Ah, that lavish love I need to dwell more fully upon Him.  May you have a blessed day as you dwell on Him.

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