There's work to be done--and it is our privilege to be a part of it. That's this morning's take away! We are created to do good works--do you know that? Ephesians 2:10 tells us we are each the workmanship of God and that He has prepared good things for us to be doing.
When Jesus neared the end of His life, His prayer for the believers to come included this: "I have brought you glory, Father. I have finished the work you gave me to do." That is the foundation of the praise most believers long to hear upon arriving in heaven: "Well done, thou good and faithful servant." So, how do we know what he wants us to do? Here's some tidbits gathered from recent weeks.
I would love to hear from has God designed you to reveal Himself to others? What dreams has He put in your heart? "God does not give vision with provision." Let's dream together...let's dream big for the glory of God and rejoice together as we watch His glory rise in lives around us.
When Jesus neared the end of His life, His prayer for the believers to come included this: "I have brought you glory, Father. I have finished the work you gave me to do." That is the foundation of the praise most believers long to hear upon arriving in heaven: "Well done, thou good and faithful servant." So, how do we know what he wants us to do? Here's some tidbits gathered from recent weeks.
"God does not need sissies." Quote from a persecuted believer from India...a man who has had 19 attempts on his life and continues to face legal battles (and death threats) for serving the Lord.
Pray the 'Lord's prayer' from the heart--and ask for vision. "Our Father who is in heaven. May your name be holy and you will done on earth like it is in heaven." What is His will for you, for me? What does it look like when His will is done? How can we be a part of that here in our lives and in our communities?
Nehemiah is a great role model for acting on the dreams God puts in the heart. If you haven't read it in awhile, it is a great preparation for the coming New Year. Obstacles and opposition will come when you step out in faith...remember who you are seeking to give glory to. He is our co-worker! How reassuring is that?!
I would love to hear from has God designed you to reveal Himself to others? What dreams has He put in your heart? "God does not give vision with provision." Let's dream together...let's dream big for the glory of God and rejoice together as we watch His glory rise in lives around us.
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