Saturday, December 28, 2013

Today. Now.

Revelation is a hard book for me, but I know there are treasures to unpack.  I think Revelation bothers me because I want 'outcome' without process.  The reality is that the process reveals Jesus:  His holiness, His commitment and His love.  The lengths to which God has gone to save those who seek Him are clearly unveiled in Revelation.  The depths of His love are plumbed as the destruction of His creation unfolds--all for the sake of those of His beloved, crowning creation (humanity) who will love Him back!

Yesterday's reading ended with all recognizing the worth of Jesus Christ.  The elders sang out:

Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

Recognizing that worthiness, the passages move into the time of Tribulation.  Oh, the suffering and heartbreak of rejecting Jesus.  It is visible today; it is a choice made by each of us multiple times throughout our days.  Now and (for a time) then we have the choice:  submit our souls to His rule--or demand our rights and stomp our feet at the things we do not like.  Submission is not servitude; it is victory that trusts in the outcome! 

In the book of Revelation, we see stubborn hearts that refuse to get up their idols no matter how much death and devastation they see around them.  And we see that one day time ends.  The opportunity to choose will cease.  Then, death will reign.  Oh, let that not be our choice!  Jesus so loved that He came to save us!  Jesus so loved that He allows devastation--even though He cries with us--so that we can choose life. 

Revelation is a constant call:  Let me love you before it is too late.  Today is the day of salvation.  Now is the moment for victory.  Read the end of the book:  He wins.  Be on the winning team.


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