Thursday, November 21, 2013

Living a Mission Life

My reading this morning took me on Paul's second missionary journey.  And the Spirit asked me, 'Do you see your life as a missionary journey?'  I think we all are on mission.  There were some encouragements and truths I pulled from Paul's journey, so here we go:

Disagreements and disruptions do not need to be derailments.  Paul and Barnabas went in separate directions, each with their own team.  More people heard the Word; new disciples were nurtured!  To God be the glory.
  • Sometimes the life of faith requires us to do things for other that are not necessary for ourselves.  Timothy was circumcised--not because God required it but because others needed that sign.  To God be the glory.
  • Evil spirits can speak truth as they did with the slave-girl fortune teller.  Their motive is not love, it's disruption (but look back at the first point :)).  They think they 'win' but fail to see the lives won for eternity in the process.  Look for the victories, so you can say:  to God be the glory.
  • Envy is an evil that rises up against the work of God...and may exact a cost from those who receive the Truth.  Jason received Jesus and trouble from the town; Jesus is worth it.  Trust God to 'repay' the costs the spoken Truth generates...and to God be the glory.
  • Sometimes the Spirit will say 'no' to our good He can direct us into His better plans.   The Spirit blocked Paul from Bynthia because his chosen servant, Lydia was already in the field chosen for Paul:  Macedonia.  He would have missed her (and his call) if he ignored the Spirit.   To God be the glory!
  • The stuff of life will shift us around like it did Aquila and Priscilla--and it will bring folks into our lives--within the divine purposes of God.  To God be the glory.
  • The Spirit of God may press us into a place where we are rejected...and our life focus may change as it did when Paul turned his attention to the Gentiles.  To God be the glory!
  • Understanding the world around us opens doors; it lets us speak in a context hearers understand like the awesome tie-in to the 'unknown God'.  Learning is not an end to itself; it is so our lives will resonate with--you guessed it--to God be the glory!
  • Finally, when the hard times come, our message from God echoes the one to Paul. "Fear not, I am with you.  To God be the glory!
Enjoy your mission today and aim your life for the only worthy goal:  TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

1 comment:

  1. "Trust God to 'repay' the costs the spoken Truth generates...and to God be the glory.

    The Spirit of God may press us into a place where we are rejected...and our life focus may change as it did when Paul turned his attention to the Gentiles. To God be the glory!"

    These both spoke to me today, thank you!
