The Kingdom
of Heaven parables were
on my menu this morning. That kingdom is
a treasure buried in a world leavened (infiltrated) by sin. It is worth everything! We must seek it and love it to see it and
enjoy it!
Interspersed in those parables were life-transforming
healings. Miracles were simply part of Jesus’ day-to-day living. It
continues to intrigue me that some of the healed are instructed to ‘tell’ and
others told ‘don’t tell.’ The touch of
Christ is personal and unique. He knows
best for every situation and one size does not fit all in His economy!
The common ingredient of miracles is faith. In the Word (and in our world) faith is a
living, growing reality. Working faith
grasps the goodness and power of God.
Weak faith allows circumstances to open a door to fear. ‘Wanting’ faith may believe in the power of
God but refuses to believe in His goodness.
Working faith does not always look the same but it always
reaches out to the love of God. The
woman with the issue of blood, the blind, the father of the dying/dead
child…some had faith in touching Jesus, some had faith in Jesus’ touch, others
simply believed in His authority.
Christ’s miracles are not bound to a method; they are bound only to
faith the cries out, “Help me.”
Weak faith saw a storm at sea that put their lives in
peril. Weak faith simply could not grasp
what God was doing. Have we not all been
there? We see things that tempt us to
doubt God’s presence and power. Faith
grows stronger as we learn that all of life is Father-filtered and with the
potential of fulfilling His good purposes.
Who needs a word of encouragement from you today?
Finally, I saw a ‘wanting’ faith that startled me. When the demoniac of Gedardenes saw Jesus, he
ran to him and worshipped! The damage in
his life done by demons did not blind him to the divinity of Jesus. This man, in current common vernacular, was
‘a cutter.’ He expressed the depth of
his pain within by slashing his physical body and lashing out at those around
us. Such hurting souls still surround us. Our world needs us to live with working faith
that the glory of God will gleam into every dark corner. We bring His Kingdom into view when we
treasure it!
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