My heart rested in the necessity and availability of the provision of God this morning. That same love, mercy and forgiveness that brings salvation is what grows us up. We become His children at salvation and grow into our inheritance through faith in Christ's work. One of the beauties of working with young children is that the truths we begin with in Christianity are the truths we grow with. Never despise the things of our spiritual childhood for they are the things that bring us to maturity.
Here's some thought snacks to chew on today. Consider this from Spurgeon: "Never try to live on old manna nor seek to find help in Egypt." We need a fresh supply of JESUS daily (moment by moment!). Our good works, good intentions and best efforts are not what save us or grow us. They are evidence of HIS Work and wonderful but not our source of supply. And help from man (or from within ourselves) is a pathetic option. We'll starve if we rely on the past, ourselves or others.
And check this out from Chambers: "I will never think of anything that God will forget, so why worry?" We waste time worrying. God goes ahead of us and comes behind us. He has a plan and He wants us to pursue Him to find that plan...because it is only in knowing Him more that His plans can be fulfilled.
Let's choose to rejoice in the faithful wise provision of the One who was and who is and will always be!
Here's some thought snacks to chew on today. Consider this from Spurgeon: "Never try to live on old manna nor seek to find help in Egypt." We need a fresh supply of JESUS daily (moment by moment!). Our good works, good intentions and best efforts are not what save us or grow us. They are evidence of HIS Work and wonderful but not our source of supply. And help from man (or from within ourselves) is a pathetic option. We'll starve if we rely on the past, ourselves or others.
And check this out from Chambers: "I will never think of anything that God will forget, so why worry?" We waste time worrying. God goes ahead of us and comes behind us. He has a plan and He wants us to pursue Him to find that plan...because it is only in knowing Him more that His plans can be fulfilled.
Let's choose to rejoice in the faithful wise provision of the One who was and who is and will always be!
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