Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Faith is active!

Powerful truths this morning.  Reverence for God turns us away from sin.  Mercy and truth are cleansing agents for sin.  But it all begins with going to God and agreeing with His assessment of our hearts. 

Knowing God's word -- memorizing it, saying it -- is not enough.  His Word is meant to inspire action...doing.

He's with us, so we move forward without fear.

He's holy, so we ask Him to forgive and cleanse (and then we stay away from the sins.)

What do you hear that you want to act on today?  Is their a promise, a conviction that is motivating you?  Share it, perhaps it is the Word another needs!

1 comment:

  1. A comment that came via email...reminds me of a line from a Touched By An Angel show: I had a choice. I chose to love. Love you, Lin.

    Hard to do, But I STILL love my ex-daughter-in-law in spite of how much she has hurt my son and I! I Choose to love and NOT be vindictive------------Thank You for another Great inspirational message---------
