Saturday, July 9, 2011

Deuteronomy: Chapter 29

Forty years of daily miracles and hearts remained devoid of understanding, ears dull and eyes blurred.  We human beings have not changed much, have we?  God knew at creation the reality of human hearts; while we were still His enemies, He loved us.  Every curse brought upon the Israelites--every difficulty we endure--has the high and holy purpose of drawing us closer to God that our hearts might understand, our ears hear and our eyes see. 

Verse 19 is the sad testimony of each of us--a conviction that we can go our own way, serve the idols we choose and still have wholeness and peace.  Praise God that He is unwilling to let us go...praise God for barrenness and devastation when we do pursue our own paths.  Praise God that He longs to reveal secret things to us...and that what is revealed belongs not only to us but to our children as well.  May we increasingly seek God's face and His revelations that our hearts, ears and eyes will be full of His light and glory!

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