Saturday, May 9, 2015

Some readings you may enjoy

Hi, my friends.  Here are a few of the pieces I've enjoyed sharing in the past few weeks.  Hope you enjoy one or more of them.  The first two are for younger ones...but I love to learn simply, so big folks may enjoy them too :).

“Abba” is like saying, “Daddy.”  Praying is just talking with Daddy-God.  I like to use the word PRAY to remind me what I want to say.      

Are you ever afraid of the dark? (Learning from the Fireflies :))

Knowing who you are....

Our identity as children of God is integral to living a victorious life.  Identity is a front-line attack from the enemy.  It is what he used on Jesus (“if thou be the Son of God”), and it is a technique he uses on us.  If we doubt our security—and authority—in Christ, the enemy can cripple us.  Scripture has firmly settled the issue.  Paul states it clearly in Romans 8:15:

...and this is one of my favorites that reminds us to trust that God is transforming all!

God continually creates fine linen from filthy rags.  Isaiah 64:6 reminds us that our very best good works serve to clothe us in filthy rags.  Yet, inRevelation 19:8, we see the Church (that is all of us who believe in Jesus Christ) wearing fine white linen for our wedding day!  That is an incredible makeover.  The recipe for earthly-world linen requires that great bleaching agent, baking soda.  The spiritual world cleansing is nothing but the blood of Jesus Christ.

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