Saturday, December 14, 2013

What are you holding onto?

After centuries of praying 'thy kingdom come,' the darkness in this world remains.  At times we despair...but in the prophesy of Isaiah, he said 'the increase of his government knows no end.'  One way I understand this is personal...His kingdom must grow within each and the possibilities of growth are endless. 

The process is challenging to say the least.  Paul encourages believers to walk worthy of our calling--a calling that is slavery to Jesus Christ.  He says walk with lowliness, meekness, a willingness to suffer and forgiving others.  Those are the keys to the growth of the kingdom.  It is why it is not 'in the world' but needs to be in us.

Praise God, He only commands what He enables us to do.  This passage has that great line, 'He led captivity captive.'  Now that's an exciting thing.  All those things that hold us captive in this world (and in the ways of this world):  fear, anger, bitterness are already imprisoned.  If they are in our lives, it is because we hold onto them.  When He took them out, He left incredible gifts for us to accomplish our mission.  We can receive the gifts Jesus brought down to us...or we can hold onto the things that seek to destroy us.  We cannot do both well.

Those gifts, though?  They were delivered for a purpose--and it is not just our comfort.  When Jesus captured the yuck and left the good, He did it for a reason:  the building up of His body.  Four words struck me as I read and worshipped this morning:  peace, unity, love and reverence.  Love powered the giving, reverencing that love allows us to live it out in a way that produces peace and unity with others.  Yes, Lord, thy Kingdom come--because my kingdom will produce nothing of lasting beauty!

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