Friday, December 20, 2013

Real Thing!

I love Norman Rockwell pictures…but I’d rather have the real thing.  I’ll take the less the perfect turkey, a real hug and laughter over a picture anytime.  When it comes to a life of faith, sometimes we settle for a picture that isn’t even close to the perfection of the real thing!

Shadows versus reality: that is where my heart camped this morning.  The book of Hebrews reveals both the beauty and the danger in earthly patterns of the heavenlies.  The legal system of Judaism patterns the Kingdom of Heaven; God instructed Moses to follow carefully the design of the heavenly in the creation of the Tabernacle.  Deeply contemplating the aspects of that building may enrich our understanding of Christ, but neither the practice of the Law nor understanding its design gives life.  In fact, focusing there may take our eyes off Jesus Himself.

Just give me Jesus…that must be our heart cry moment by moment.  Hebrews emphasizes it is only the blood of Christ that purifies the center of our beings; only His sacrificial death opens the door for communion with God.  The ‘pattern’ plan only allowed a select few into the presence of God—and then only once a year.  Setting up rituals, relying on rituals, to bring us into the heart of God fails.  Jesus is the door.  I need bring nothing; in fact, I have nothing to offer until I enter into Jesus.  Then, I have it all.  Only then can I listen to the Father and follow my Savior’s example:  I come to do thy will.  Everything else is illusion, a picture that is not real.

Let’s not settle for a shadow; let’s press in for the reality!

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