Recently I heard B.I.B.L.E. used as an acronym for "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth." My heart gets so excited to dig into the Word. Increasingly I understand that 'how to live' is much more than rules of do and do not do. The scriptures reveal that the way of life for a redeemed sinner is joyfully giving our all because of His mercy and grace
For years I've camped on the first part of Romans 15:4 which says 'Whatsoever things were written were written for our learning.' Today, the second half leaped forward. The patience and comfort of the scriptures are to give us hope. God is not willing that any should perish...His word reminds us continually of His mercy and grace! And the passage flows on with more beauty. We are to do for others what the Word does for us: Offer patience and comfort that leads to hope.
We are in this world together to give glory to God. The devil does fine with criticism and condemnation. We are to sincerely, simply serve others with love with confident hope in God. Each of us is designed by God and desired by Him; we are to give our best and be positive in all we do--valuing others and desiring the best for them. That unity will not come easy; we will not 'do' it perfectly. This world is a battleground of good and evil. We must not tear one another apart, but focus on the things which are lovely, pure and good. Jesus came to save the lost; our aim must be no less. The God of Comfort and Hope is desired by all; may we live only to show Him to others that they will receive Him!
For years I've camped on the first part of Romans 15:4 which says 'Whatsoever things were written were written for our learning.' Today, the second half leaped forward. The patience and comfort of the scriptures are to give us hope. God is not willing that any should perish...His word reminds us continually of His mercy and grace! And the passage flows on with more beauty. We are to do for others what the Word does for us: Offer patience and comfort that leads to hope.
We are in this world together to give glory to God. The devil does fine with criticism and condemnation. We are to sincerely, simply serve others with love with confident hope in God. Each of us is designed by God and desired by Him; we are to give our best and be positive in all we do--valuing others and desiring the best for them. That unity will not come easy; we will not 'do' it perfectly. This world is a battleground of good and evil. We must not tear one another apart, but focus on the things which are lovely, pure and good. Jesus came to save the lost; our aim must be no less. The God of Comfort and Hope is desired by all; may we live only to show Him to others that they will receive Him!
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