Monday, November 18, 2013

Lighted Path

Grace.  That was the mark on the Antioch Church that told the disciples, "Yep, God is here!"  Grace:  good given to undeserving folks.  The early Church knew all about giving good to those who did not give good to them.  They learned from Jesus.

The book of James is a feast for us who feel surrounded by yuck.  "Count it JOY," James says.  The message from yesterday reminded us that God has a plan for our improvement.  He is not surprised by the yuck we come in contact with; He's already accounted for that and has woven it into the picture of our lives.  Dark threads bring out the brighter colors in the light. 

Let's so Live in the Light our lives light the path to Jesus!
We can not be double-minded--thinking on the dark sometimes and the light at others.  We need to be fixed on the Truths of Christ.  His love, His victory over the dark.  We are walking in Him and the kingdom of darkness is the defeated foe under our feet. 

There is a great line that says, 'We are not called to extinguish the dark; we are to simply turn on the Light.'  So what did the Light of the early church look like?  What should we look like as we walk through the yuck?  Here's just a smattering of attributes from James. 

  • Patient:  It is willing to suffer long. 
  • Wisdom seekers:  It only comes from God and resonates peace, clarity, purity and  mercy.
  • Swift listeners:  God speaks to everyone.  Listen & see if you hear Him in words of others.
  • Slow speakers:  One who loves words struggles here.  But God's talking; I need to be quieter.
  • Slow to anger:  because God's righteousness does not work through man's anger.
  • Concerned for the hard things others face.
Let's let those facets of Christianity sparkle in us.  We begin by asking God to change us first--and trust that the change will be something He can use to help others change.  His Kingdom is advancing every day...that's what the Word says.  Determine to be part of the Light!

1 comment:

  1. Very wise words, working on many of these attributes myself. Its definitely not always easy!
