Monday, January 24, 2011

Genesis: Chapter 24

Admirable life traits abound in this chapter:  the faith of Abraham, the determination and diligence of his servant and the courageous willingness of Rebekah.  The faith of Abraham involves a vision for the future...and our faith will do the same for us and those whose lives we touch.  It was important to Abraham that his descendants have a heritage of worshipping only the One True God; he did not want Isaac to marry a young lady from an idol-worshipping background.  As he sent the servant out on his mission, he was confident in God:  confident that a bride would be found or that God would fulfill the plan in another way.  His confidence surely had to encourage the servant. 

In the servant, we see a great example as well.  He obviously had a personal, prayerful relationship with the Lord, and he was adept at observing and discerning the will of God.  He did not run ahead in the plan; he listened and observed, and he spoke only of his Master's mission.  While he was gracious to give a bit of time to the family to say good-bye and contemplate this amazing interruption of their lives, he was not deterred from returning with Rachel at the earliest possible time.  He stayed on task despite certain challenges and uncertain circumstances!

Rebekah, too, gives us a glimpse of 'right action.'  She listened to all that Abraham's servant said and made a firm decision to embrace this God-designed adventure.  Her decision was no small change for her--from relative security, she was agreeing to marry an unknown wanderer in another land. 

Is there a trait from these great examples that you long to live out more fully this year?  Courage, faith, diligence...I surely can use more!

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