Saturday, January 22, 2011

Genesis: Chapter 22

One of the commentaries I read pointed out that this chapter has the first occurrence of the word, 'love.'  All good gifts are from God, and Isaac was a gift from God.  We must always be vigilant to remember the gift is not to be worshipped--only the Giver is worthy of that place in our heart.  Abraham's faith in the goodness of God allowed him to entrust the 'gift' to the Giver.  Isaac represented much more than a beloved child; he was Abraham's future hope, the life received from 'deadness' and the fulfillment of all Abraham had stepped out in faith to receive.  Abraham's journey of faith had taught him to trust in God.  He had seen God work in his life, in Lot's life, in Ishmael's life:  he believed in God's right actions and right timing.  God will never bring us to tests He has not prepared us for...and our faith in Him will be strengthened as we walk forward in obedience. 

Not only will be strengthened, God's promise to Abraham is true for us today.  Others are blessed by our own obedience!  (v 18).  Early in this story we saw that God called to Abraham personally.  His servants only joined him on the journey part way.  The sacrifices God will call us to are individual and uniquely ours.  While we have companions on our life journeys, God has to get us alone sometimes.  We must listen to His voice, trust His promises and be committed to worshipping Him.  He is faithful and will be bring us forth as gold!  And He will work in the lives of others as we walk before Him...Isaac was certainly forever changed by this event.  The servants and the rest of Abraham's household would undoubtedly have learned of the incredible provision of God and the incomprehensible faith of Abraham (and his willing sacrifice)--hearts are changed as faith is witnessed.  The chapter closes by introducing us to the family of Isaac's future wife...God's purposes are always moving forward!

If you would like to explore this further, my other blog writing for today is entitled:  Character:  A Spirit of Denial - A Sacrifice to Surrender.  I didn't plan it that way but it certainly allows my mind to continue in the same direction! 

Blessings to you all.  Do leave comments so we can learn and grow together!

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